The Conversation Group
Our world needs moral mentorship – competent, virtuous, and trusted mentors who follow Jesus Christ. The Conversation Group offers a unique approach to mentoring because we believe that conversations matter. Leading in the spiritual realm is often lonely. Leaders confront hard questions: How do I chart a path forward? How do I build relationships with those I lead? How can I be more effective using my gifts? Why am I frustrated at home? People in professional ministry give and give and give, but don’t know who to turn to when they need to be filled up. Who mentors the mentors? The Conversation Group helps navigate these challenges by offering mentoring, collaborative design, and friendship so that leaders can be more effective in ministry and profession.
The Conversation group mentors leaders to courageously transform their slice of God’s world.
Mentored leaders. Transformed lives. We believe leaders who engage with us are better equipped to serve and transform their slice of God’s world. Without meaningful conversations, relationships suffer and leadership diminishes. The conversation is the relationship.